June 10, 2016 9:00 am – 10:30 am
Speakers and Panelists:
- Ken Roberts, WorldCity
- Millan Mulraine, TD Securities
- Amgad Shehata, UPS
On the morning of June 10th, WITA and WorldCity presented the Top 20 US Trade Partners 2016: Who are they and what does it mean for US trade? The event started with all three speakers presenting different perspectives on U.S. trade. Ken Roberts presented data on the top U.S. trading partners in a variety of categories including countries, city ports, exports, and imports. Millan Mulraine presented an economic analysis of global trade data, expressing how the decrease in trade recently is an international trend, not unique to specific nations. Mr. Mulraine ended his presentation with a political comparison of the impact of the current presidential candidates’ proposed trade policies. Amgad Shehata presented a more localized perspective on trade, and how the industry is changing for UPS and its competitors. Mr. Shehata illustrated how the impacts of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and other trade agreements, will have for everyday consumers and producers. These trade agreements have the potential to provide a level playing field for all industries to compete, specifically small-medium sized enterprises, which now are able to gain a competitive edge. Mr. Shehata also touched on the future of the trade industry in regards to e-commerce. The three presenters followed with a panel discussion from questions in the audience.
Presentation links & videos:
Ken Roberts: presentation slides, video 1 and video 2.
Millan Mulraine: presentation slides, video 1 and video 2.
Amgad Shehata: video.