WITA Academy Trade Education & Capacity Building




For more than a decade, WITA’s Intensive Trade Seminar (ITS) has educated government officials, the private sector and the public to better navigate the Washington and international trade policy landscape.

Building on this successful model, the WITA Academy expanded the ITS around the world. The International Intensive Trade Seminars build capacity in trade policy for government officials, the private sector and the public to better navigate the Washington and international trade policy landscape.

The curriculum for the International ITS can be tailored to address the needs and priorities of individuals, governments, and firms from around the world. In the U.S., the Intensive Trade Seminar series expanded to Capitol Hill to better educate the Congressional staff on current trade issues. Through the Academy, WITA brings the ITS to communities across the United States to help foster participation in international trade.


Past Events

2024 WITA Academy China Virtual Intensive Trade Seminar

2024 WITA Academy Virtual Intensive Trade Seminar: World Trade Organization

2023 WITA Academy Virtual Intensive Trade Seminar

AI and Trade Virtual Intensive Trade Seminar

FDA Boot Camp: New Cosmetics Regulations and the Latest on Food, Drugs and Medical Devices

2023 WITA European Union Virtual Intensive Trade Seminar

International Intensive Trade Seminar (ITS): Africa Leaders Summit and AGOA Ministerial

2022 WITA Virtual Intensive Trade Seminar


Topics Covered

Trade Responsibilities in the Executive Branch and the Interagency Process

Trade policy in the Executive Branch including “White House” agencies
(e.g. USTR and NSC/NEC)

Role of the Department of State

Other Departments and Agencies with Trade Policy Roles

Departments of Commerce, Treasury, Labor, Agriculture, FDA, USITC, Customs, etc.

Role of the U.S. Congress and Government Agencies

The Congressional Role in Trade Policymaking

Trade Responsibilities in the Executive Branch and the Interagency Process

International Trade Administration and the Department of Commerce

U.S. International Trade Commission – Investigations and Analysis

U.S. and Global Trade Policy Update

WTO Agenda

U.S. Engagement in AsiaInclusive Trade & Development

Inclusive Trade & Development

FTAs, Executive Agreements and U.S. Trade Policy

FDA-related policies

Overview of FDA updates and regulations for Food, Drugs, and Medical Devices

Cosmetics requirements due to the Modernization of Cosmetic Regulations Act of 2022

Cosmetics labeling, adverse events, and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) regulations

Timelines for implementation

Best practices for personal and business compliance to FDA guidelines


Trade Law, Enforcement, and Dispute Settlement


USTR Role in Monitoring and Enforcement

USMCA and the Rapid Response Mechanism

Other Departments and Agencies with Trade Policy Roles

Departments of Commerce, Treasury, Labor, Agriculture, FDA, USITC, Customs, etc.

Trade Finance and Investment

USAID, ExIm Bank, OPIC, TDA, etc.

Navigating Congress

Role of the United States Congress in trade legislation and oversight; working with Congress to advance shared priorities

Investment, Sanctions, and International Tax

Investment Controls

Export Controls and Sanctions

International Tax and Trade


European Governance

Key EU Institutions and Structures

European Commission Deep Dive

Reaching Trade Agreements in the EU System

EU Trade Policy


Security and Investment Screening

Key External Trade Issues and Initiatives

EU Decision Making Process

EU Decision Making Process: Overview

Opportunities for Stakeholders to Provide Input into the EU Decision-making Process

Sectoral Case Studies: Agriculture and Digital Trade Policy & Regulation

World Trade Organization

The Congressional Role in Trade

Structure and Organization of the WTO: Ministerial Conference, Secretariat, General Council, Councils, Committees and Working Groups

General Agreement on Trade in Services, and Joint Statement Initiative (JSI) on Electronic Commerce

Agriculture and Food Security

Trade Disputes and Dispute Settlement Understanding

Negotiations and Reform

Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change

Development, Aid for Trade and Enhanced Integrated Framework

Disruptive Trends in Trade

National Perspectives


Policy Considerations for Trade Professionals


Generative Artificial Intelligence and Artificial General Intelligence


Practical Applications of AI in Business and Trade


U.S.–China Trade Relationship: How Did It Get Here? And Where is It Going?

China and the Multilateral Trading System

China’s Global Goals and Ambitions

 National Security, Technology and Cybersecurity

U.S. Import Bans, Investment and Export Controls

U.S. Trade Policy and Tariffs

U.S. Strategies to Compete with China

What Lies Ahead in U.S. -China Trade Relations
