Event videos

Library of past WITA events.


WITA’s Trade & Environment Series: Russian Energy Sanctions – A Trade Pivot to a Cleaner Future

WITA | 04/14/2022

On Thursday, April 14th, WITA held a webinar discussing how the U.S., EU and other like-minded partners can work together to offset short term increases in fossil fuel production outside…

The War in Ukraine and Global Food Security

WITA | 04/07/2022

On Thursday, April 7, WITA held a webinar discussing the war in Ukraine and its impact on global foo...

WITA’s Sanctions Series: Russia Sanctions and the New World Trade Disorder

WITA | 03/31/2022

On Thursday, March 31, WITA held a webinar discussing what the ...

WITA’s Sanctions Series: Russia Sanctions – From Jackson-Vanik to Today

WITA | 03/10/2022

On Thursday, March 10, WITA held an emergency webinar on Russia ...


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