America’s Trade Policy’s Research Library provides curated content on the most important trade issues being addressed by policy makers around the world.


A Transatlantic G2 Against Chinese Technology Dominance

Robert D. Atkinson | Information Technology & Innovation Foundation | 04/05/2024

It has been a century since the U.S. economy surpassed the combined size of France, Germany, and the UK, largely because America was powered by European immigration and mass production…

Foul Play? On the Scale and Scope of Industrial Subsidies in China

Wan-Hsin Liu, Rolf J. Langhammer, Dirk Dohse & Frank Bickenbach | Kiel Institute for the World Economy | 04/01/2024

Bidenomics Versus Maganomics on Trade Law: Pick Your Poison

Thomas J. Schoenbaum | Institute for European Policymaking at Bocconi University | 03/31/2024


USTR Releases 2024 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers

Office of the United States Trade Representative | 03/29/2024

WASHINGTON – United Stat...

Overcapacity at the Gate

Camille Boullenois, Agatha Kratz & Daniel H. Rosen | Rhodium Group | 03/26/2024

China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) concluded in Mar...

US Sets Trade Policy Sights on China’s Xinjiang

Henry Storey | Hinrich Foundation | 03/19/2024

As Washington escalates its raft of trade controls against Ch...

Climate and Trade in a World of Resurgent Industrial Policy

Milan Elkerbout, Katarina Nehrkorn, & William Pizer | Resources for the Future | 03/15/2024

Few citize...


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