
Contributors provide unique perspectives on critical trade issues. Author’s views are their own, and do not reflect the views of WITA, its Board or its staff.


Trade and the COVID-19 crisis in developing countries

Alvaro Espitia, Nadia Rocha, and Michele Ruta | VoxEU | 04/09/2020

While COVID-19 is most virulent today in Europe and North America, many developing countries are experiencing increasing numbers of cases (see Figure 1). The Economist warned that the pandemic could…

A Quick and Dirty Lesson about the Trade Deficit

Daniel J. Ikenson | CATO Institute | 04/04/2020

The trade balance is calculated as the difference between the val...

More Investment Screening in the New COVID-19 World

Wendy Cutler, Vice President and Andrew Chatzky, Senior Program Officer, Asia Society Policy Institute | 04/02/2020

Dinosaur Extinction and the Coronavirus

Alan Wm. Wolff, Deputy Director General | World Trade Organization | 04/01/2020

This virtual talk produced for the members...


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